Life is a teacher

Each day’s situation is a question asked to you by life and what you do the whole day is its answer. Make sure the answer is relevant and satisfying. Keep learning from these question and answer sessions.

They say our fate is written, but what is written? I’m sure that not everything is written. The things which will happen to us may have been written but how we will react to it or tackle with it is not written. It cannot be written, it has to be created as time passes by. So what we do is, we create our own reality. We have that power to write our life in ourselves. You are writing a new chapter in your life every day, in the form of questions and answers. Life not only asks questions it also teaches us lessons. But remember you get to know the lesson only after you give your answer. If you give right answer, it is a success and if you give a wrong answer, it teaches you a lesson. It’s a win-win situation.

Life even tests your memory power. Life asks the same question in different occasions to test your memory. If you learnt the lesson of that question previously but still you cannot answer the question when asked again, then the question paper gets tougher. So be careful while learning your lessons. You don’t have to be successful to answer your life. You have to courageous enough to face the life. You don’t have to carry your past on your head, but you have to remember what you have learnt in the past.

Life also plays a trick with you. As long as you think you have to answer every question of your life, you never feel happy. Life may play and ask you questions which don’t have answers, they just have sorrow, sadness, emptiness and depression on other end. And when you try to answer these type of tricky questions with ego, hatred and misery, you lose happiness, peace and love. So whenever a question is leading you to sorrowfulness or depression, don’t answer it. At that time try to solve others’ questions. It’s good to help others. Everyone have different question papers so everyone has learnt different lessons. When we share our journey, we learn different lessons without even facing such questions. We learn what life taught to others and we can teach what we learnt from life. This is how we can trick our life and be a successful person in living life. Living for others is always a great feeling. Just believe in time, everything happens for a good cause. Keep learning from life.


Image Source: Catch smile

We cannot learn everything in a single life. That’s why we keep circling in the birth-death cycle. So make sure you learn whatever is possible so that the consciousness may be helpful at the next stage. We have to experience everything which our soul asks for, which can be done by meditation. Meditation is the connection between the inner world and soul. It’s a journey into the deep of our existence to answer the questions of life in an efficient manner. It is the connection between the question that is asked and the way how to answer it. Because your soul knows more than your mind. Try to answer the questions of life and learn the art of living. Keep meditating, it helps us in knowing our purpose.

Thanks for reading. Have a good time. Keep visiting. 🙂

18 thoughts on “Life is a teacher

  1. saaranshsinghpundir 23/08/2016 / 2:03 am

    Another profound piece brother …..I admire how prudently u covered all the anxieties with an outlet to be understood…..wonderful thought process u have JJ….kudos for sharing such acuity 🙂
    ‘…We learn what life taught to others and we can teach what we learnt from life..’ merely brilliant (Y)

    Keep rocking bhai….have a great week 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie Jain 24/08/2016 / 6:49 pm

      Thank you so much bhai. . Your comments always inspire me to do better with eash post. You are awesome bhai. Thanks for the wishes. Have a great week. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Geena 22/08/2016 / 6:10 pm

    ” So whenever a question is leading you to sorrowfulness or depression, don’t answer it. At that time try to solve others’ questions. It’s good to help others. ” What a beautiful advice, jackie. Helping others, being responsive to their challenges, is such a humbling process that in the bargain our own problems seem to fizzle away into nothingness. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie Jain 22/08/2016 / 9:49 pm

      Hello Geena. . Thank you so much Geena. Whenever I find myself in such situations, I do this thing, so I don’t fall deeper in sorrow. And yes, helping others is always a great feeling inside which we can’t express in words. Thanks. Have a good time. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie Jain 22/08/2016 / 11:19 am

      Yes, very true ma’am. . Thanks for reading. Have a great day. 🙂


    • Jackie Jain 22/08/2016 / 11:14 am

      Thank you so much for reading. Welcome to the blog. . 🙂 Have a good time. 🙂


  3. Akhila 19/08/2016 / 4:09 pm

    if we are at the tight pace, at the right time, right things happen..isnt it..?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jackie Jain 19/08/2016 / 4:32 pm

      Yes very true Akhila. Only when we are ready to attract the good from it.

      Have a good time. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

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