D is for Distance: Day-4

“Distance is not necessarily to be measured always in kilometers and miles, sometimes it is to be measured in priorities and waits.”

Distance is a very extensive, complex and cruel being which can separate any good friends if not given attention to. Look, distance even separates two best neighbouring buddies ‘D’ and ‘E’ by 6 letters ( D istanc E). So rude.. Isn’t it?

Okay. Let’s get serious. Distance is never a one-point concept. It is always measured as the gap or separation between two points, where the separation can be in any form, physical, emotional, mental, personal or social. It depends upon the circumstances. It is not necessary that the distance between the two points is same when taken one point as reference. The distance from point A to point B may not be the same as distance from point B to point A. No, I am not trolling maths. Let us explore the concept of Distance by following two fictional examples.

There were two friends, I mean the best buddies who used to share everything, even small of their happenings. They were in the same school and same class. But as the time moved in circles, their lives took different circles. They got separated by time. And no one of them took a step to re-visit the other. Did they forgot each other? I think no. How can we forget the people with whom our moments got intersected! It is just that now they have different priorities.

‘These buddies are separated by ‘n’ priority levels, where n may be 1,2,3 but it doesn’t matter, the final conclusion is they are separated, they are at distance’

Now let us look at another example where again two friends are best buddies. One is good at studies and other is not. They studied in the same college. When they completed their graduation, they took different paths. The paths never met. One got to a good position and other still seeking for a position. One is with ego and other with inferiority. That’s it. They are separated by the distance again. They never contact each other because one waits for other and vice versa.

‘These buddies are separated by ‘n’ days of waiting for the other to initiate the talk, where n can be 1,2,… 100,200,..,life time. But n value doesn’t matter as the conclusion is that they are separated.’

We often find ourselves distanced from the things which we love and people with whom we feel comfortable (Distance here is not about the physical distance, it can be any other distance). Even though we used to think that we will never get apart then, we sometimes fear to meet them now (I am saying this to myself too). Why? Because with time our way of thinking changes and so do our priorities. We get stuck in the hands of time. We think how they may feel again! Or we think will the things be the same again! We are just confused.

Delete all these doubts. Start a talk with the people with whom you are at distance without any reason. Tell them that you care for them. Tell them you don’t want to lose them. Life is small, so it is better to keep the distance small. We will never meet them once we leave this unpredictable and untimely body. Don’t let ego and inferiority come in middle of a beautiful relation. Give it a start, once again. In search of new relations, we often tend to forget older and important relations. Doesn’t matter whether your circle is small, keep it intact. Keep it in shape. Don’t wait. Take that step forward for your happiness. There is no better feeling than to talk with the ones with whom we shared our happy moments once, again.


Image source: Picture Quotes

And there are also some categories from which we have to stay at a distance. They are negative people, greedy people, show off people, money minded people, cheaters etc. Keeping them at a distance, helps us in getting closer to our happiness.

Hope that this long distance (sorry) which you have travelled from word one to here, is helpful in some way by reducing the distance between you and your loved ones.

This post is my entry for A to Z challenge . It is already day 4 and it is on letter ‘D’. D is for Distance. Hope you liked it.


Coming to the challenge, as the name itself says it is very challenging. On every day of month April, except Sundays, which makes it to 26 days, each participant should publish a post relating to the letter corresponding to the number of the day thus completing all the 26 alphabets. For example on day 1, the post should be on something related on letter A, on the second day it should be related to B and this goes on. Exciting? Isn’t it?

And as always thanks for reading. Have a good time. Keep the distance small with me. I care for you all out there.

36 thoughts on “D is for Distance: Day-4

    • Jackie Jain 06/04/2016 / 6:49 pm

      Thanks for liking that line bhai. Video banaya na to sab bhaag jaayenge. I don’t feel comfortable in front of cameras like you. 😛

      Have a good time bhai. 🙂


  1. NJ 06/04/2016 / 10:01 am

    This was a nice interpretation 🙂 I love the way you explained with the help of two examples 🙂 Distance might be a simple word but could mean so many things to so many people 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jackie Jain 06/04/2016 / 11:18 am

      Thank you so much Neerja.. I am glad that you liked the examples.. Very true, distance could mean so many different things to people.

      Have a great day.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • NJ 07/04/2016 / 4:04 pm

        🙂 Pleasure is all mine 🙂 you too have a nice day 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Sayanti aka Shine 06/04/2016 / 9:23 am

    Hi Jackie, your topic or word selection is so touchy. So many distances we are creating in our small life span. Remembering those and feeling bad for this. Sometimes, the length of the distances becomes too long to cross it again.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie Jain 06/04/2016 / 11:21 am

      Thank you so much Sayanti.. You have said it correctly, we are creating much distances in our small life span, which is bad..

      Yes, distance is longer but to cover it back takes lesser time..

      Wish that you are having a great time in Kolkata.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. nicolegrabner 06/04/2016 / 4:56 am

    Wow, your post really brings home some deep thoughts this evening! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie Jain 06/04/2016 / 10:55 am

      Thank you so much Nicole! Welcome to the blog. Thanks for looking my thoughts.. Have a good time.. 🙂


  4. Deepika Kumaaraguru 05/04/2016 / 11:11 pm

    “Look, distance even separates two best neighbouring buddies ‘D’ and ‘E’ by 6 letters ( D istanc E). So rude.. Isn’t it?”
    Best. Line. Ever. (As of now, because it’s no surprise you will stun readers with more witty and creative lines like that). Superb take on Distance, Jackie! I loved the way you have deeply foraged into the blues of it, inserting wonderful humour too 🙂 Rock on!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Jackie Jain 05/04/2016 / 11:27 pm

      Thank you so much Deepika for liking this humorous line. 🙂 And wow. . That’s a great compliment. You are very kind. I am glad you connected to it. Thank you. .

      Have a good time. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Deepika Kumaaraguru 05/04/2016 / 11:37 pm

        That was a stunning line, Jackie, not just humourous 😀 You are very kind too 🙂 You’re most welcome. You have a good time as well 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jackie Jain 05/04/2016 / 11:41 pm

        Aww. . Thank you so much Deepika. . It means a lot to me. Thanks. And yes, now it will be a good time as now I will watch KungFu Panda 3. Haha. . 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Deepika Kumaaraguru 06/04/2016 / 9:02 am

        You’re most welcome, Jackie 🙂 You’re an outstanding writer 🙂 Kung Fu Panda 3 was hilarious XD Not much of a story but people can have a good laugh 😀 You enjoy.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jackie Jain 06/04/2016 / 11:06 am

        Thank you Deepika.. And yes, Kung Fu Panda 3 was amazingly hilarious and loved the expressions of Po.. The movie is good overall.

        And thanks. Have a great day.. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Srivi 05/04/2016 / 10:50 pm

    Its a wonderful way of explaining distance in different manners be it priority or time.
    Yes even I am not comfortable meeting few people now with whom once I was really close. But I guess high time I make the move and go out and meet them!

    Thank you for a great and inspiring post 🙂

    Srivi – AToZChallenge
    The Piscean Me | Twitter

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie Jain 05/04/2016 / 11:22 pm

      Hello Srivi. . Thanks for reading. Welcome to the blog. And yes, I am in a similar situation. And I think it’s time to meet my close friends and share all the fun again. .

      Thanks for sharing your feelings. Have a good time. This challenge is great!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Jennifer Juneau 05/04/2016 / 10:48 pm

    Very interesting post Jackie, I like the way you contrast things in your blogs 🙂 Keep going, we have 22 more days to go 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie Jain 05/04/2016 / 11:19 pm

      Thank you so much Jenni. . I am glad that you like my thoughts. . Yea, 22 letters, 25 days. . It’s so far away. . We are together on this journey.

      Thanks. Have a good day. . 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Hargun Wahi 05/04/2016 / 7:41 pm

    True that! Very well said and expressed.
    Hope everyone reading this takes home the message.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie Jain 05/04/2016 / 8:37 pm

      Thank you so much Chaitali.. Your comments are always a great source of joy..
      Have a good time.. 🙂


  8. kalaravi16 05/04/2016 / 7:34 pm

    What a wonderful take on Distance! I thought you would be doing some physics lessons! Beautiful thoughts, poignantly expressed. Life is too short to distance oneself from the small circle of love we have.
    @KalaRavi16 from

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie Jain 05/04/2016 / 8:39 pm

      Hello.. Welcome to the blog.. Thank you so much.. Haha.. Physics! I am a science student! Glad that you liked my thoughts.. Yes, life is very short so we should keep the distance as minimum as possible with our loved ones. 🙂
      Thanks. Have a good time. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. scifihammy 05/04/2016 / 7:13 pm

    Excellent post, Jackie 🙂 Full of good points, and also humour! 🙂
    And yes, you don’t ever forget someone you were close to, and it is never too late to re-connect with them.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie Jain 05/04/2016 / 8:43 pm

      Thank you so much Sci.. Ha ha.. A bit of humor keep the readers going.. Yes, it’s never too late to reconnect with our lover ones..

      Have a good day.. 🙂 Thanks for reading.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jackie Jain 05/04/2016 / 8:44 pm

      Thank you Somali for agreeing on this point.. Yes, true.. Distance can also be measured in priorities.

      Have a good time.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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