Desires create holes in our life

Desires are like machines which make holes in our lives and those holes further widen up when we try to fill those holes with our selfish efforts and aimless vision . This is the reason for emptiness in our lives. Let’s not create new holes and try to fill the existing holes with love and care for others with sefless efforts.

Desires are like obstacles to our peace and entry doors for evil in our lives. When we desire for something, we don’t see how or from where we obtain it. We become blind in the delusion of desires. We see only what we want and ignore all other elements that surround us. Desires are like traps set by evil on our path so that we can become their prey. Be careful.

When we desire for something, it creates a hole in our lives along with a slot in future timeline to receive fruits from this desire. We think (illusion) that we will fill these holes with our efforts, determination, plan and skills so that we can get what we desired. But here comes the twist. The evil energies are smart. When you desire for something and create a hole, evilness tries to tempt you by throwing a more desiring thing in the same category in your path so that your attention gets diverted from the real desire of yours to this new one. Now that former hole remain empty and you feel empty in your life. And this goes on and on as our desires keep accumulating. The hole created by one desire cannot be filled by other desire. Now say, who is responsible for creating these holes which didn’t even exist at first place!? Think on it.

Image source: I am saved by faith

When we start feeling empty, we get confused. We don’t know why we are feeling empty, because these holes are not visible. They exist in subtle levels. Evil energies keep coming in from these holes and we don’t even know that. Our levels of anger, greediness, hatred and ego may increase to intolerable levels that we may become evil ourselves. Open your eyes. Close your holes. Love and care are the only elements which can fill these holes and stop evil from entering our lives. So give up your selfish efforts and aimless vision. Let’s fill the holes with selfless efforts and good vision. Be on the right path of spirits and let the divine and good energy flow through you.

I don’t know for some reason the comments which I make on other blogs are not showing up. They are moving into their spam instead. I have contacted Akismet for this issue and hope it gets resolved soon. 

Thanks for reading. Have a beautiful day. 🙂

A ship that never sinks

Our faith is a ship that never sinks, still sometimes we lose our faith because there is not enough water beneath this ship to move forward.

It comes a time in every one’s life where we all face a situation in which we tend to lose faith because of our conditions. Does it mean that the ship of our faith is sinking! I think no. Because the ship of faith never sinks, it always knows how to swim in the times of good and float in the times of bad. The reason we tend to lose faith is because we don’t keep enough water in our rivers to move forward. Having said that, I mean, water is to ‘Inspiration’ and rivers is to ‘life’. It means that we don’t have enough inspiration in our life for our ship of faith to travel to our destiny. Inspiration is the medium of transport for the ship of faith to travel forward. So we lose faith because it is still, it is not moving. In such situations we need to get inspiration and put back ship of faith back on track.

We all need something to move forward. Moving forward not in the sense of distance, it is in the sense of life. Our life keeps us testing by giving difficult situations to keep that inspiration flowing. What is a difficult situation? What is a good situation for you and what is bad? If it does good to you then only the situation is good for you? Then you are wrong. Bad situations brings out the best in us. Bad situation is not bad for you at all, it just says that situation is in trouble and you have to solve the issue. It is an opportunity in disguise to bring out the hidden talent out of you, which could have never come out otherwise.

We should not get attached to the situations because of their conditions. We have get over the situation with our confidence and be happy for what we have learnt from the situation. We should not feel happy when someone is in a difficult situation, we should try to help them out. I don’t know from what humans have come from, but I know, humanity is definitely about helping fellow humans. Even we get more inspiration when we help others out. To bring people out of depression, negativity and difficult situations makes us more strong and happy. That feeling cannot be described in words, anyway.  Difficult situation is temporary but not the lesson learnt from it.

Inspiration comes in many forms. The thing which makes us think about it and give us a good vibe to become something worth living or doing something worth doing, that can come under the category of inspiration. Even though inspiration can make us think of becoming a better person, you have to travel towards that better version of yours with inspiration as fuel. Because ‘we can draw inspiration from others, but still we have to paint it by our own in our life’. Easier said than done. It is not an easy task for sure as it takes our faith, courage, time and determination. Because inspiration is just the water that creates a medium for the flow, it is we who have to keep flowing with faith to reach our goal.

Don’t run for material things which offer you happiness for few moments. Life is a simple hide and seek game by our creator, even I have written a post on this. We have to reach our creator by seeking for him, by having faith in him. Difficult situation are clues to find his whereabouts and get closer to him. Inspiration keeps us motivated enough to reach there. So fill the sea of your life with inspiration, let your faith flow in inspiration towards your destiny.


Image source: Red fairy project

Thanks for reading. Be inspired. Have faith on time.

Utilize the energy in a good way

Energy!! What is energy? Does it have a dimension or a form? What is the purpose of this energy?

Energy is a thing which keeps us going. It tells us that the flame of our purpose is still alive within us and we have to serve that purpose within time. We have to utilize this energy in serving our purpose. Energy is like a donkey. It doesn’t know what it carries. That’s why there are terms like positive energy and negative energy. Because if we utilize this new born energy in spreading good thoughts in our mind, it stimulates our body in a positive manner by giving us a positive feeling which burns our passion and sets it on fire. Which gives us happiness and peace.

But if we misuse this energy by spending it on negative thoughts then it’s like whirling wind on a burning forest. The negative thoughts will spread quickly to each part of your existence and will destroy your mindset and your hope from inside. You will just be a vessel. As we know empty vessels make more noise. So will you, as your body will become a home for anger, hatred and ego making you a slave of their dominance. So never use this energy for negative thoughts. Always think positive. Be inspired. Create a generator of inspiration within. It will generate happiness within.

Energy doesn’t have any dimensions, neither does it has a form. It just resides within us and gets utilized in the way we use it. We never know how this energy is created. But its presence is felt strongly in the morning. It is something the supreme power above us have given us to burn our passion and keep the flame alive for generations to come so that they can carry the flame forward.

So when you wake up in the morning, utilize this energy by burning it for positive thoughts, which will keep the flame for your passion alive and thus generating happiness & peace, which drives our day safely.

Your confidence and faith are responsible for sailing yourself out of storms of darkness. Energy keeps that confidence and faith alive. So utilize your energy in a good way so that you can feel the presence of supreme power above us. Stay positive. Be inspired.

** Its been a month since my last post. Sometimes I wonder how the days pass so quickly but we are still stuck in the past. Feeling as a stranger to wordpress again. Missed you all and all your presence **

Thanks for reading.

Life is already written on a sheet of time- it is just the half truth

Where there are clouds, there is the most probable chance of a rainfall, it just needs few moments.
Where there is trouble, there is the most probable chance of happiness raining from it, it just needs a few positive thoughts.

Let’s start with a general question, how the rains are formed? Only just because clouds are formed? Then how clouds are formed? It is a cyclic process recurring in a loop. Never judge this process by a tick of time or its appearance. The dark clouds are not indicators of darker times and they are not going to stay forever. They are the just the indicating factor of forthcoming happiness.

When you are in dark phase, and dark clouds form around your head, remember you need just few positive thoughts in order to burst them. Within few thoughts, the happiness will pour down from them. This is a process. Problems will never stop coming and you can never stop them coming, but you can minimize their stay in your life. They were written in your fate for a reason.


The source of the image along with the inspiring quote in the image: Rishika Jain

Water is stored in oceans and for the reason of spreading it on land, God created this cycle of clouds and rains. Only your heart is happy, to spread the happiness throughout your body,  this cycle of problems and positive thoughts is created.

You don’t sit on the driver seat of this cycle. You are the pillion in this journey, the one sits on the back. Then who is the driver? Your passion. Confused? Yes. Passion is the driver and you are one sits on the back of it. You and your passion are different entities living in the same body for a purpose. Passion to burn & spread light whereas you to shine and spread happiness. Only when you and your passion work as a unit, this purpose can be served. So it’s time to unite. Because it’s right to find light.

Don’t worry when a problem strikes you, be ready to swipe it off. Because if you don’t solve a problem, get ready for the bigger version of that problem. And if you have solved it, get ready for the next problem. And don’t worry, in between two cloud formations, there will be a rain for sure. 😉

Many of them think that if our life, our fate fate is already written, what is the use of praying and trying to change it. May be they heard this from a mendacious source. They just know the half truth that our fate is written. The complete truth is that even though our fate is written on a sheet of time, it also comes with a default editor having Karma and Faith as editing tools. We can change our fate and give our own meaning to life by doing good things and having faith in time. So fellow editors, happy editing.

Only the above paragraph is related to the title of the post. Why? May be that’s written in the fate of this post. But see, everything written in our fate conveys a meaning and which is not necessarily to be matched with the title of life. Because it’s important to read our life till the last page last line, only then we can understand the true meaning of life. Thanks for reading.

It’s timing of time


Sometimes we feel that we have done everything right to get something done, but still it’s not working out. We start to doubt our ability. We think we are wrong. We think we have missed something. Then, we think we will not be able to do it. We try try try and finally quit. Because we think time is running out.

But sometimes everything is right, everything you have done is perfect, but the right time is yet to come. It is matter of time. It’s all about timing of the time. Your key to success is just a tick, a moment away.

But what will you do in the meanwhile? Remember, there are many waiting for their time. You have to be their watch. Show them the path. If you help others in a good way,  the help that will come back to you will be a  amplified one. So help others to find their time. Time is not just a measure of hours, minutes and seconds. It is a test. A test of your faith.

And there are many of those who think they have achieved enough for themselves. To them, it’s time achieve something for others.

So conclusion is that if you really think what you have done is perfect, then never give up. Keep faith in time. ** For example, for a writer the success is not when he writes something, success is when the readers read it. ** So wait. Your time will come, tables will turn and time will emit (throw out) your doubt on your capability.

Thanks for reading.

Faith in eight(8)

Hello, confused with the title name? Yea. Keep faith. Eight, which is the only digital number using which we can regenerate any other number. Do you know why? Because it is the symbol, of completeness. It is the symbol of never ending property. It is the symbol of ying-yang. Still confused? Ok. Now write the number 8, on a paper and as we have to see any situation from right point of view, view the number 8 from right side. What do you find? I know you are familiar with it. It is infinity. The whole universe.


       ( Image from Google)

So it’s all about keeping faith in eight. Keeping infinite faith. Family is the first category of people, who we always try to approach when we need some advice or courage.
Keep faith in process. It takes time. Life is all about time. Time is all about seconds. Seconds are enough to change your life. So when your life will take a u-turn, it will take within seconds. Don’t plan for years. Because life is seconds.
Nowadays people love to watch a human-fall than a water fall. So when you are falling down, just rememher you are being dipped in magical water, when you will come out, or come over it, you will be magical. You will be stronger.



People will throw you down to the ground, but it’s up to you to convert that ground into a mirror, so that you can see yourself in the sky. Yes. It takes confidence in yourself and faith in universe.



As one of the most inspiring writer, Paulo Coelho says in The Alchemist, “When you really want something, the universe conspires  in helping you achieve it.” But as the law of universe says, if you have a thing, you have to hold it.
So once you achieve that, the same universe tries to take away that thing from you to see how strongly you can hold it. How much you keep faith in it.


Yes. Hold the things which you love. Hold the people whom you love. Keep faith in them. I know this life is sometimes so rude. This is so infected with bad people. But there is always a positive side to it. Believe in that.


Yes. I just want to conclude it here. Life is a disease for which we have to find a cure. So find it. Spread it.

As you have kept faith for a long time reading this post, just wish that something good happens to you today. Thanks for reading.